
Equipment & Reagents


[ 产品编号:GY006 ]


国勇除醛王(过程专业级)Guoyong dealdehyde King (special for Engineering)產品厂家及形号:国勇厂家GY-001Product brand and model: gy-001主要是的功能与应用:高速 拆解tvocMain function and application: fast decomposition of formaldehyde适用于空间:墙顶、板才、皮革、窗帘布艺等Scope of application: wall, board, leather goods, fabric, etc食品价值形式:液态Product form: liquid利用措施:利用行业喷枪饱满静电喷涂在危险的东西界面,或利用拖布饱满清洗在危险的东西界面,零甲醛无空气污染水分含量高的空气污染物来源反复两到六次Usage: spray on the surface of the article evenly with a professional spray gun, or wipe on the surface of the article evenly with a rag, repeat the pollution source with high formaldehyde content for two to three times产品的原料:装修甲醛葡萄糖氧化剂Product ingredients: formaldehyde decomposing agent考虑事由:有雾气或积液用白毛巾擦干干净整洁,品牌在通风处背光保存图片,青少年严禁接触性,逃避误食。Caution: wipe clean with towel if there is water drop or liquid accumulation. Keep the product away from light in a cool place. Do not touch children and avoid eating by mistake.物品规格参数:2.5KGProduct specification: 2.5kg施行标淮:Q/GY J001-2019Executive standard: Q / Gy j001-2019生孩子商:南京国勇自动化限制我司Manufacturer: Shenzhen Guoyong Technology Co., Ltd位置:长沙市深圳天津区深圳天津马路泽华中心大厦1606Address: 1606, Zehua building, Longhua Avenue, Longhua District, Shenzhen检验构造:东莞 市元贞室外污染源数据监测综合治理工程建设技能论述院


订货联系电话:熊部门经理            185 6583 6337                                                                               181 6570 3785                                                                              186 6535 0596(品性要确保,售后维修点无优)