
Equipment & Reagents


[ 产品编号:GY-004 ]


国勇再生宝Guoyong purification treasure新产品编号查询:国勇茶叶品牌GY-004Product model: gy-004护肤品产品规格:150粒Product specification: 150运行标准单位:Q/GY J001-2019Executive standard: Q / Gy j001-2019存放期:一年Shelf life: three years核心应用:除细菌和病毒、除有害物质、除特殊难闻气味Main purpose: to remove bacteria, formaldehyde and peculiar smell适合商务活动:装好修家、养宠物鼠家、有刺鼻味道情况、有细菌病毒微细小微生物情况Applicable occasions: newly decorated family, pet family, peculiar smell environment, bacteria and microorganism environment食品有效成分:气触媒,渗透性剂Product ingredients: gas catalyst, activator动用做法:药丸不溶水,挥发物、喷撒、浸水Usage: dissolve the pill in water, volatilize, spray and soak小心法定程序:matters needing attention:1、运行时搭配面膜和乳胶手套1. Wear masks and gloves when using2、将品牌分解水里成淡黄褐色粘液,通风蒸发1至6个小时(无人化方式下)2. Dissolve the product into a light yellow liquid in the water, and evaporate it in a airtight way for 1 to 6 hours (unmanned state)3、的控制药物浓度值3. Control agent concentration储藏的方式:物品在阴冷处闭光包存,青少年严禁接处,预防误食。Storage method: keep the product away from light in a cool place. Keep away from children and avoid eating by mistake.产量商:杭州国勇科技开发有限集团集团Manufacturer: Shenzhen Guoyong Technology Co., Ltd电话号码:广州市宝安区宝安大街泽华商务中心1606Address: 1606, Zehua building, Longhua Avenue, Longhua District, Shenzhen探测系统:佛山市元贞地下室造成的污染污染监测处理工作技能理论科研院


订货电话号:熊副总            185 6583 6337                                                                               181 6570 3785                                                                              186 6535 0596(品味保护,售后维修服务天忧)