
Equipment & Reagents


[ 产品编号:GY-003 ]


国勇光触媒(市政工程专门的)Guoyong Photocatalyst (special for Engineering)厂品技术参数:国勇国产品牌GY-003Product model: gy-003品牌规格尺寸:2.5KGProduct specification: 2.5kg连接基准:Q/GY J001-2019Executive standard: Q / Gy j001-2019质保期:五年期Shelf life: three years主用到途:除其它异常的味道、除有害物质、缓和菌Main use: odor removal, formaldehyde removal, bacteria inhibition可用情况:建筑工程的相关材料、装饰品的相关材料、及危险物品表面层Applicable occasions: building materials, decoration materials and surface of articles产品设备化学成分:奈米氧化的钛,活力性剂Ingredients: nano titanium oxide, activator特别注意议题:专注的的人员选用专注的喷枪均匀分布粉末喷涂在严重工业废气表面层,要是有水雾或积液用白毛巾擦拭保养彻底就好。Note: the professional spray gun shall be used to spray evenly on the surface of pollution source. If there is any water drop or liquid accumulation, wipe it with towel.存放方试:好产品在阴凉处阴凉存有,患儿不要触及,防止出现误食。Storage method: keep the product away from light in a cool place. Keep away from children and avoid eating by mistake.制作商:杭州国勇科技有局限装修公司有局限装修公司Manufacturer: Shenzhen Guoyong Technology Co., Ltd注册地址:武汉市天津区天津街道泽华大夏1606Address: 1606, Zehua building, Longhua Avenue, Longhua District, Shenzhen查重单位:山东市元贞房间环境污染数据监测污染治理工程建设技术应用实验院


购买联系电话:熊营销经理            185 6583 6337                                                                               181 6570 3785                                                                              186 6535 0596(产品质量担保,售服乐无忧)